Construction Health And Safety Regulations


Martin Sejas

Fatal and injury accidents in the construction industry within the UK are reported annually, making the construction industry one of the most dangerous industries to work in. Although various construction industry occupation health and safety measures have been put in place, the ever-changing construction dangers make it difficult to effectively mitigate against the same. This leads to unforeseen accidents, which result in loss of life and serious injuries amongst construction workers.


The common dangers, which lead to loss of life and injuries amongst construction workers are falls from high points, accidents in excavation areas, falling objects, construction machinery and construction motor vehicle crashes within construction sites. To minimise dangers and risks that construction laborers face in the course of their work, various construction health and safety regulations have been legislated. Such legislations are same to those across Europe, especially in EU member countries since they are directives made up the relevant organs of the EU. The varied safety regulations are specific, targeting the inherent dangers and risks that pertain to every section of the construction industry. The Management of Health and Safety at work regulations of 1999 specifically explain how safety systems at a construction site are managed. Other regulations that target specific areas include the Provision and Use of Work Equipment regulations of 1998, Manual Handling Operations regulations of 1992, Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare regulations of 1992 and Personal Protective Equipment regulations of the same year. Not all construction health and safety regulations address construction companies only. Some, such as the Personal Protective Equipment regulations of 1992 specifically target construction laborers, requiring them to always undertake work with appropriate protective gear to enhance their safety. Failure on the part of either construction employees or company managers to follow to these regulations amounts to criminal offense punishable by conviction, fine or both. The construction health and safety regulations require all construction companies to ensure that their buildings and construction sites are safe through regular maintenance in case of buildings. The buildings need to be properly lit with safe drinking water for the benefit of laborers. The temperatures within the buildings should be tolerable enough with rest facilities given. Employees also need to be provided with toilet facilities. With all these however, accidents are still bound to happen and the regulations require employers to make available first aid facilities. Above all, the provision of education and safety information is essential and all construction employees are required to have their laborers undergo safety training. Under the construction health and safety regulations, all workers are expected to be aware of all the health and safety laws relating to their work and ensure that they work in safe work environments. The regulations do not only target safety issues affecting construction laborers but public safety as well. Construction companies have the obligation to guarantee that members of the public are protected from any dangers and risks brought about by construction projects.

Ensafe Planning Solutions offers a

construction safety plan

for small and medium sized contractors who do not have the time, money or knowledge to write up their own. It complies with current UK HSE legislation. You can also

download free guidelines

to write your own safety plan from the website.

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